The Problem with
Dental Insurance

Celebrating 80 years of quality care

  • Tooth Savers is our solution to the problem.

    Medical and Dental costs are out of control, and as a dentist, we’re part of the problem. I decided that I no longer wanted to be part of the problem and wanted to find a solution to fix this issue. This is where the idea of Tooth Savers was born!

    Tooth Savers is our way to fix the problem of high dental prices, letting you have access to Affordable Dentistry in a way that makes sense.

  • The pricing is simple, and so is every step of the way. When you sign up, you will get access to:

    Free Dental Cleanings

    Free Dental Exams

    Free Dental X-Rays (We only use lowest radiation digital radiographs to keep you as safe as possible)

    And a pricing system that makes sense for anything else!

    White Fillings: starting at $200 per tooth

    Tooth Extraction: $100 and up (depending on the complexity)

    Periodontal Deep Cleaning: $200 and up per area of the mouth

    Biopsy: $350

    Crown: $1,400

    Bridge: $1,300 per tooth

    Implant Crown: $1,500

    If you only need routine cleanings, then you only need to pay for your membership in Tooth Savers!

  • This is a very loaded question which doesn’t have a simple answer. Part of the problem is the insanely expensive prices for the materials to do the needed procedures; the other part of the problem is the complexity of dealing with Dental Insurance.

    By streamlining systems in our office with the latest technology, we can reduce the material costs; and by reducing the complexity of dealing with Dental Insurance Companies with Tooth Savers we are able to bring you affordable dental care.

  • Basically, a Dental Insurance company talks to a bunch of dentists and tells them

    “Hey, sign up with us and we will get you a ton of patients. It will be great!”

    Then, that Dental Insurance company tells you:

    “Hey, buy my Dental Insurance because I can make your dental care affordable.”

    The way it works is you pay them a monthly premium and they are supposed to pay for your dental care when you need it.

    If you don’t need much dental care, they get to keep all the money that you paid them; this makes their investors very happy. They really just want to take your money and not pay when you need treatment so that they can maximize their profits.

    When you actually need them to pay for your treatment, a lot of times they will deny your coverage and make you pay the dentist. This means that you end up paying them and the dentist for your dental treatment!

    The next part that drives up prices is the complexity of dealing with Dental Insurance Companies. Imagine that you break your tooth and it hurts A LOT! You come to Benavent Dental and we can fix your problem right now, but we don’t know if your Dental Insurance is going to cover the cost of the procedure. We could send a pre-estimate to your Dental Insurance Company and wait to hear back from them, but this could take weeks and you are in PAIN now. If we fix the problem and the Dental Insurance Company doesn’t want to pay, now you get stuck with the bill.

    Dealing with Dental Insurance Companies takes time, and time is money. While we can’t do much about the rising prices of everything else in the world, we can help cut costs by streamlining the process and cutting out the complexity of the Dental Insurance Company.

    What really happens to the dentist is something more like this:

    Insurance Company to the Dentist: “Hey, sign up with us and we won’t pay you very much and we will deny your patients claims to make sure that we don’t have to pay for any treatments.”

    Insurance Company to you: “Hey, pay me every month so that I can decide if I want to pay for dental care that you need. If I pay for your care, I will make less money for my investors, so I probably will deny your claims and make your dentist waste a bunch of time fighting with me to get me to pay for the care that you needed.”

  • We cut out the complexity of the Dental Insurance Company. When you sign up with Tooth Savers, you will pay a start up fee for the setup and your first month. Then they will charge your credit or debit card monthly to stay in the Tooth Savers Club.

    When you come in to Benavent Dental, you will get access to our incredible savings program, packed with the lowest fees possible!

    By removing all the complexity out of the system, we are able to streamline everything which makes it easier to operate and we can then pass those savings on to you!

    You broke your tooth? We can fix it now, and the price will make sense!

    We use the latest digital technology to make everything as efficient as possible while also keeping the costs down. We use Digital X-Rays so that we don’t have to buy expensive film (and to lower the radiation required to take the x-ray), we use digital scanners to take impressions so we don’t have to buy expensive impression materials (and so you don’t have to have a mouth full of goop). We use electronic health records so that we don’t have to buy, stock, and maintain all the paper charts. Everything we do is to streamline the process and reduce the costs that get passed on to you!

    The last point of complexity is the Dental Insurance Company, and by cutting them out, we are able to pass on huge savings to you!

  • Absolutely! If you don’t want to use your debit or credit card, you can pay for the full year up front. When you do it this way, you will get an 8% discount!

    Just come into the office and let them know you want to sign up for Tooth Savers and they will get you all setup!

  • When you sign up with Tooth Savers you will pay nothing for:

    Routine Dental Cleanings

    Dental Exams

    Dental X-Rays (We only use lowest radiation digital radiographs to keep you as safe as possible)

    For any other work you need, you only pay:

    White Fillings: $200 per tooth (depending on size).

    Tooth Extraction: $100 and up (depending on the complexity)

    Periodontal Deep Cleaning: $200 and up per area of the mouth

    Biopsy: $350

    Crown: $1,400

    Bridge: $1,300 per tooth involved in the bridge

    Implant Crown: $1,500

    If you only need routine cleanings, then you only need to pay for your membership in Tooth Savers!

  • Tooth Savers just makes sense. There is no red tape or complicated loop holes that the insurance company will try to use to let them skip out on paying for your dental treatment.

    With Dental Insurance, there are maximums (how much they are willing to pay for your treatment in a year), missing tooth clauses (tricks the insurance company uses to get out of paying the bill and forces you to pay for the treatment, even though you are paying for the insurance), frequency limitations (how often they will let you get a procedure done), and more tricks to keep them from doing what you pay them to do!

    Tooth Savers doesn’t do any of that junk. You sign up and get your free cleanings, x-rays, and exams; no questions asked. If you need additional work like fillings, crowns, dentures, and so on, Tooth Savers gives you access to incredible savings.

    It’s Dentistry that makes sense.